Month: August 2021

Peeing in Pulteney Park

I am sure that all of us truly enjoy the gem that is Pulteney Park.  This place has seen so many things over the years that are truly part of our community’s pulse.  Whether an afternoon in the sun and the gazebo— or an evening of Music In The Park, is a wonderful place to go. There’s just one little…

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Who’s Famous Needs Fixing

Very Bad Man

THINGS YOU PROBABLY WISH YOU DIDN’T KNOW #1 I like old cemeteries. The people who live out their lives in a place define what that place is— who they were, what times they were a product of— and what they managed to accomplish for themselves and their communities. Cemeteries help to tell that story.  The more illustrious of these folks…

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COVID Cases increasing in August


Things are heating up a bit for our county with a surge in new COVID-19 cases.  After a very nice respite from masks and being able to participate fully in the greater community–we are seeing an upswing in confirmed cases.  For the week ending on Friday, 8/28, the Steuben County Public Health Department announced 70 new COVID cases.  Not a…

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Let’s Make It Walkable

broken sidewalks

Village of Bath receives nearly $2 million for sidewalk renovations Post Views: 7

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