Month: September 2021

Your Call Cannot be Completed as Dialed?

Later this year in October, we must begin dialing local telephone numbers using the 607 area code.  This means a lot of folks will be getting busy updating their digital contact lists and speed dial numbers.  What happened that we need to do this? On July 16, 2020, the FCC adopted rules to establish 988 as the new, nationwide, 3-digit phone number…

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Our Amazon Delivery is Delayed

Amazon Building

Since the announcement earlier this year that Amazon was planning to locate a new distribution center in the old Mercury Aircraft building, this writer has taken a great interest in following the development–and the possibilities that this could mean for our community.  Imagine my puzzlement when one month turned into another, then another, and nothing seemed to happen.  It seemed…

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Smile–Not-so Candid Camera!

For many years, “Dysfunction Junction“[n]This name describes the social dynamic existing at the intersection of Liberty & William Streets.  It contains the Shannon Apartments, a convenience store, and other things [/n] has been a busy place–in all the wrong sort of ways.  Featuring the ‘affordable’[n] Affordable in this case as many residents rely on public social service and housing funded…

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