Bath Mayoral & Trustee Election Decided

One of the curious things about many villages in New York state has to do with election terms for village officials–specifically the mayor and a percentage of trustees.  I suppose that it’s much simpler with four-year terms–but we are blessed (or cursed) with two-year cycles.  So it was this past Tuesday when current Mayor Mike Sweet and two incumbent trustees sought another dance with local politics!

The results of our local elections are underwhelming, to say the least.  The winning tallies (and incumbent trustees ran unopposed) are as follows:

  • Mike Sweet, Mayor: 67 votes
  • Melanie Coots, Trustee: 75 votes
  • Mark Bardeen, Trustee: 74 votes

Let’s give these folks our support in the coming two years and see where they can continue to take us.  If it doesn’t work out, there is another election in two years.

It’s just that people have to run for office…