Category: Government

A Future to be Proud Of

Sounds right, and sane.     Post Views: 1

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Bath Mayoral & Trustee Election Decided

One of the curious things about many villages in New York state has to do with election terms for village officials–specifically the mayor and a percentage of trustees.  I suppose that it’s much simpler with four-year terms–but we are blessed (or cursed) with two-year cycles.  So it was this past Tuesday when current Mayor Mike Sweet and two incumbent trustees…

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How Much Do They Make?

Service for Pay

Have you ever wondered what our local village, town, or county employees make? Well then, wonder no more!  The Empire Center for Public Policy, Inc. which is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit think tank based in Albany, New York–is doing the work for us.  Through a website called “See Through NY” they are attempting to give New Yorkers a clear view…

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Your Call Cannot be Completed as Dialed?

Later this year in October, we must begin dialing local telephone numbers using the 607 area code.  This means a lot of folks will be getting busy updating their digital contact lists and speed dial numbers.  What happened that we need to do this? On July 16, 2020, the FCC adopted rules to establish 988 as the new, nationwide, 3-digit phone number…

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