Peeing in Pulteney Park

I am sure that all of us truly enjoy the gem that is Pulteney Park.  This place has seen so many things over the years that are truly part of our community’s pulse.  Whether an afternoon in the sun and the gazebo— or an evening of Music In The Park, is a wonderful place to go.

There’s just one little problem… Nature calls, and the older one is the more urgent this need becomes.  It also applies to our smaller and younger residents.  How many times have those of us who are down there regularly seen a small child urinate on themselves because there was no facility for them to relieve themselves?

In the new drive to make ourselves an open and inviting community, we are working on making ourselves walkable.  Sidewalk repair is happening everywhere either through the Village or the New York State Department of Transportation.  These sorts of things make us ever so much inviting— as walkable communities are a hallmark of new settlement and investment in the community.

But what if I or my small child has to take a nature call while enjoying the center of our town— with plans to visit Liberty Street businesses and spend our money?  Most businesses state no public bathrooms—and some are outright jerks about it.

We note that at most Village Trustee-approved events, Port-O-Let units are dropped at a corner of the Park.  I suspect that these are paid for by the event coordinators…  GOOD STUFF!

Now, these units stay a few days past an event, until the contractor picks them back up.  Frankly, the Village should provide them 24/7 365 days a year!  With all of the ARPA money rolling in (~$500K) and the idiocy of the remaining parking meters and the “parking cop” it is a sure thing that this could happen.

At the end of the day, how much could a permanent concrete slab and yearly rental of a Johnny Quick cost over the social good and value-added benefits of such a thing?

Mayor Mike, where are you on this?