Tag: NY

Smile–Not-so Candid Camera!

For many years, “Dysfunction Junction“[n]This name describes the social dynamic existing at the intersection of Liberty & William Streets.  It contains the Shannon Apartments, a convenience store, and other things [/n] has been a busy place–in all the wrong sort of ways.  Featuring the ‘affordable’[n] Affordable in this case as many residents rely on public social service and housing funded…

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COVID Cases increasing in August


Things are heating up a bit for our county with a surge in new COVID-19 cases.  After a very nice respite from masks and being able to participate fully in the greater community–we are seeing an upswing in confirmed cases.  For the week ending on Friday, 8/28, the Steuben County Public Health Department announced 70 new COVID cases.  Not a…

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Let’s Make It Walkable

broken sidewalks

Village of Bath receives nearly $2 million for sidewalk renovations Post Views: 7

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Hello Readers!

Welcome to our site.  Up With Bath chronicles village life in Bath, NY–news, gossip, growth, musings, and random grumblings! Bookmark us and check back weekly to see what is new…  This is a work in progress! Post Views: 10

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